
Showing posts from September, 2017

Why are layers beneficial in photoshop?

1. Organization: to avoid any clutter, putting similar layers together in one group can be beneficial. These layers can then be collapsed or expanded from there. 2. Effects: Instead of having to go through layer after layer of the same things, group the layers with the similar effects together, that way you only need to put in the effects once, it saves time. 3. Opacity: You can change the opacity to affect all of the layers in the group

Favorite Photoshop tools

 Lasso tool -makes us able to make our own freehand selections on photos. that way if you dont want to use the whole photo you can take the specific piece you need.   Gradient tool - creates a blend in colors  Ruler tool - helpful when creating a design that way you can see the center of the document, making it easier to know where to place things.  Crop tool - helps when wanting to keep the picture in tact but wanting to erase an unwanted party from the photo  Eraser- helps by erasing your mistakes 

What is Multimedia?

The dictionary definition of Multimedia is the use of a variety of artistic or communicative media, but what does that mean? Multimedia is about making connections, entertainment, and keeping the people informed about daily events wether its through the local news, gossip channels, social media, etc.